Apply for the AUTUMN 2025 Seminar: Foundations in Autonomics

with Sue Bahnan MS, MA, of the Hearth Science faculty

Our seminars at this level (graduate) tend to be idea-rich, and filled with people from various (trans-disciplinary) backgrounds with expertise in their respective fields (Previous seminars have included Doctors in Social Work, Physical Therapy, Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, as well as masters-level clinicians and bodyworkers, as well as life and wellness coaches). We are looking for participants willing to be intellectually and emotionally engaged with this content who are seeking rigorous intellectual prearation and seeking to engage experientially with this content.

People encountering our work for the first time find these contexts to be more relational & intensive than traditional academia. We spend a fair amount of time tending to context, and there will be alot of idea exchange. Sometimes these conversations get passionate. So we are looking, in our applications, for fit with our learning culture as much as your academic or professional background. If we advance your application, you will interview with the faculty member who is teaching the seminar.