Embodied Neurobiology of Connection (Embodied: Step into You podcast with Paula Scatalonia and Leslie Rhyne)
An interview with Natureza Gabriel about Autonomics (Hearth Science with Sue Bahnan MA, December 19, 2024)
Enhancing the Power of Connection (Radical Responsibility with Fleet Maull, PhD, August 2024)
Crisis, Connection, and Collective Healing (Radical Responsibility with Fleet Maull, PhD, July 2024)
Healing with the Art and Science of Connection (Green Dreamer with Kamea Chayne, Episode 316, July 13, 2021)
Accessing Relatedness & The Priority Of Connection (Empowered Relationships with Dr. Jessica Higgins, Episode 346, November 2021)
True Self-Care: Tending to Community, Ancestry, and Our Nervous Systems (What the Fundraising with Mallory Erickson, Episode 75, July 2022)