Expression of interest

December 18-22, 2024: The Neurobiology of Connection & Systems Transformation

Natureza Gabriel of Hearth Science (The Neurobiology of Connection) in collaboration with Alnoor Ladha of the Transition Resource Circle (Post-Capitalist Philanthropy)

Transformational Retreat Wednesday December 18-Sunday December 22, 2024

Tierra Valiente, Costa Rica

In this 5-day depth transformational retreat, we will host a space for creative visionaries to viscerally comprehend the felt infrastructure of an ancestral future centered in safety and connection.

During the day, Gabriel will teach the neurobiology of connection, scaffolded on his forthcoming book, The Neurobiology of Connection and its associated Foundation Model of Autonomics. Based on 30 years of research, crowd-sourced with more than 15,000 participants in 50 countries, co-created with input from more than 100 advisors in 25 disciplines of wellbeing across 24 cultures (many of them Indigenous), including a dozen of the world’s leading experts in connection and wellbeing, the Foundation Model unites the cutting-edges of autonomic physiology, neurochemistry, and ancestral lifeways into a living map of embodied autonomic states. Fluency in this map teaches humans how to locate themselves in the foundation layer of physiology that governs visceral state, sense of self, emotions, cognitions, the way we perceive the world around us, and the behavioral repertoires available to us. It teaches us how to transform from living in defensive states (fight, flight, appease, freeze, shutdown), which are necessarily pathogenic, into connection states that are salugenic (e.g., health-creating.)

Part of our co-inquiry will be based on the five doorways to enduring wellbeing articulated in the book: Safety to connection to interoception to intuition to relatedness.

At night, Gabriel and Alnoor will co-host dialogues around the intersection between individual physiological transformation and re-centering in safety and connection and the transformation of systems from the economic to the political. Alnoor is co-author (with Lynn Murphy) of Post-Capitalist Philanthropy, and a world-renowned transformational activist in developing life-centric models of philanthropy. His deconstruction of capitalism if effectuated with laser-like clarity, and he is living into what comes beyond it every day.

Terra Valiente, the eco-reserve hosting the retreat, is a living example of an eco-system and community designed from these principles.


We note the exigencies of the current moment of accelerating global collapse, and the transformational potentialities released by the breakdown of legacy systems and institutions in providing fuel for transformation.

 We seek to prepare a cohort of physiologically-astute and connection-centered visionaries to continue to build and model new infrastructures of the living future in support of Life. 

This training will host a small number of people from around the world who wish to come into circle to deep-dive into these themes. If you would care to join us, please detail below the nature of your interest.

If we are interested in having you join us, we will follow up with an interview.

Expression of interest