What you have been reading in this Table of Contents is a simplification of my book The Neurobiology of Connection.
So here’s where the rubber meets the road.
We want to do two things.
1) We want to understand – if you are not the liquid water version of yourself– where are you on this map? And how do we get you back to liquid water? (this is healing)
2) We want to build your ability to spend more and more of your time in the liquid water version. (this is growing)
Most people, by the time they are adults, have pretty characteristic patterns of responding to threat. Some people become steam, some people become ice. If we spend alot of time in a state we start to identify with it. We start to think that we ARE steam. We start to think that we ARE ice. But both of these responses are results of your physiology – your Autonomic Nervous System - getting stuck in a defensive response.
You are not steam or ice. You are water. And like water, under certain conditions you will change state in order to be able to deal with the level of energy of experiences you had to pass through. You became steam or ice to survive a threatening experience. Something stressful or traumatic.
Steam and ice are not the problem. Steam and ice are necessary components of our ability to survive and endure threats. They allow us to survive things that would otherwise be unendurable.
The problem is when we get stuck in steam or ice and cannot make our way back to liquid water. And guess what?
Most modern people are stuck in steam or ice, thinking that is who they are.