ORGanizational AuTONOMICs

CONSULTATION with gabriel and relevant

hearth science faculty


hearth science provides organizational autonomics consultations to wellness organizations seeking to incorporate autonomics principles and frameworks into program design

The autonomic nervous system is an input/output system, which means that by changing the neural inputs to this deep neurology, patients and clients can grasp and move the deepest levers that govern their wellbeing. We have created an entire product ecology, including a diagnostic and treament software platform, posters, and numerous books, designed to augment wellness professional and organizational capability in deploying the insights from Autonomics into your wellness practice.

We offer a two-year clinical training program, with several pre-requisites for those interested in deploying Autonomics as a fully integrated facet of your wellness practice.

I also regularly teach group classes online, as well as retreats for wellness professionals, if you are interested in more systematically developing the skills and understandings that undergird this work.

I am the Principal Architect of Autonomics, Principal Designer of the Autonomic Compass, an autonomically-informed diagnosis and treatment software, and the author of numerous books in this area, including The Neurobiology of Connection, which self-directed neuroplasticity expert Rich Hanson, Ph.D., was kind enough to call, “A masterwork.” I have worked internationally with a number of the world’s thought leaders in connection and wellbeing, leading medical schools, executive coaching and leadership development organizations, NGOs, tribal leaders, and social movements. I have trained tens of thousands of wellness providers, and consulted on complex and ‘intractable’ neurological issues with numerous clients and adjunct to various referring physicians.

This is a consultation REQUEST FOR ORGanizations SEEKING SPECIFIC GUIDANCE In incorporating autonomics frameworks into program design

I charge a flat project rate for consultation, delineated based on the scope of your project, and based on the size and type of your organization (annual revenues, non- or for-profit). Delivery can take place either on Zoom or face-to-face in person.

If you are interested in an organizational consultation, please fill out the form below, and if we believe that there is alignment with your request, someone from our team will follow up about creating a project scope.

I recommend that your team read Autonomic Compass, our simple guide to autonomics, before we meet. It will help you get the most out of our time together.

organizational autonomics

consultation REQUEST

Please bear in mind that this is a professional service consultation, and does not constitute an endorsement or certification of your organization’s work.